Monday, January 28, 2008

Gone, But never Forgotten

Last night the beloved leader, president, and living Prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints passed away. President Hinckley lived an amazing, inspiring life, guided by the light and hand of God. He was a humble, good, righteous example. He was crucial in the growth of our church and saw many positive changes in the world. I found him to be an engaging speaker, often bringing tender-hearted humor to his talks and stories. I always laughed when hearing him speak and also felt moved and inspired. I grew into the woman I am during his time as the leader of the LDS church and he has inspired my life in many ways. Now when Ella sings the song; "Follow the Prophet" I will ponder a little more about the examples we truly can be by the lives we lead and the choices we make each day. Several years ago I got to be in the same room as the Prophet, and although I think we in fact had, the worst seats in the house, I was still touched to feel the Spirit. I am thankful for his teachings and influence. I am happy for him to be reunited with his loving companion in the after-life.
I found a wonderful editorial in the Salt Lake Tribune that said this:
"...on that first morning of his presidency, he stood before reporters and cameramen he had invited to a news conference, the first in memory to have been called by an LDS prophet.

With the members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles seated in a row well back from the podium, Hinckley commanded the moment, fielding questions with ease and aplomb, driving home the point to Latter-day Saints and the world at large that the Mormons now had a leader who would be out among his people, delivering a message of faith, hope, love - and hard work. "
I believe he did this during his leadership with heartfelt love. President Hinckley will long be remembered.


Stephanie said...

Well said Becca. His funeral is in the Conference Center this Saturday and I heard people are spending the night on Friday to get tickets(It's first come first served).

Valery said...

Sorry to hear of the loss, he sounds like an incredible man!