My recent post about how to add the pages navigation element to your blogger blog. Click Here.
Instructions for how to add buttons, headers, and signatures to your blog:
Posting Blog buttons, Headers and Signatures. *These instructions are for blogger.
Blog buttons:
1. In blogger- under the design tab, in your list of sidebar items, you want to ‘Add A Gadget’. In the pop-up window you can select the ‘add a picture’ option and another pop window will allow you to navigate to your picture file on your computer and upload it. This option allows you to upload a static picture to your sidebar.
2. A second option is to first upload your picture (image) to an online photo hosting site such as photobucket. This allows you to generate an html code for your image. For this option,
a. First upload to image site (im only familiar w/photobucket)
b. Copy html code link
c. In blogger follow above instructions, except, choose ‘add HTML’ gadget. Paste code into pop-up box.
d. Be sure to click SAVE when adding the gadget, and on the design tab to insure you save all the newest settings.
Blog headers:
1. In blogger, click on the Design tab/option.
2. Click edit in the Header tab bar at the top of the page
3. In the pop up window, you can add an image by clicking upload image, and navigating to the image on your computer.
4. Select placement: ‘instead of title and description’
5. Be sure to save in the pop up and in the design tab as well.
Blog signatures:
1. You will need to upload your image to the internet, so that you have an html code for this one. The easiest is to use Photobucket or the like.*
2. Once your image is uploaded copy the html code provided with the image. (see other instructions above as needed)
3. In blogger, click on the SETTINGS tab, then FORMATTING.
4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, to ‘Post Template’
5. In this space, simply paste that HTML code and ‘save settings’.
6. *Alternative to photobucket:
a. Since many bloggers are not familiar with HTML code, a trick you can use is to:
i. create a post in your blog, upload your image(s) that you need an HTML code for and save post as a DRAFT.
ii. Select HTML mode instead of COMPOSE mode. You will see < these symbols> dividing up the images, you can copy these image codes to paste into the other areas of blogger where you need the HTML codes.*
Blog button with a grab box:
check this online tutorial for more info: http://thelittlehenhouse.com/2011/01/31/how-to-make-a-blog-button-with-a-grab-box-a-tutorial/
check this online tutorial for more info: http://thelittlehenhouse.com/2011/01/31/how-to-make-a-blog-button-with-a-grab-box-a-tutorial/
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