Well I will tell you! I am in school! How fun is that? I started last Monday! Whew. I am taking 2 online classes through IVY TECH. One is Fundamentals of Imaging, which is a digital photography class. Yes, I had to buy Adobe Creative Suite 3 for my class! Yup. How cool is that? I am also taking Interpersonal Communications. I have to chat on message boards about the reading material and also have 5 papers to write, in 8 weeks! This is an accelerated course for the summer. Usually the classes are 16 weeks. I really like the flexibility of the online classes and I think i will try to take them for several of the classes. I do think I need some in class instruction as well, so I plan to mix it up. I am going for an associates degree in Graphic Design. I am really enjoying myself so far! I have completed my first week and met all my deadlines. The down side is I am not having much time for other stuff like scrapping and blogging and message boards. But I am ok with that because I am really loving the feeling of being back in school. Today I got online to check out what class options I have for the fall already!
The kids are doing great, for my photography assignments I had to take a lot of pictures, so the kids were lucky enough to have me snapping pics like a mad woman. I took Jed to the park and took some cool pics. This was the playground where he and Ella will go to school in the Fall. Ella was accepted into the SNAP Buddy program. She will be a "peer model" in a class that is made up of some kids with special needs and the other half are the models, who help display "normal" behavior. I have really wanted to do this for Ella because she is so smart and I think her outgoing, helpful personality is perfect for the program. The classrooms are smaller than some other preschools, and I think it is such an enriching wonderful program. I LOVE that she will be at the school with Jed. Saves me twice the trips! So I think Ella will really blossom in this program.
So we are busy busy. Erick has had to increase his "kid" duties with bedtime duty and entertainment when I am doing homework. Today we spent the morning doing yard work. We found a little nest of baby birds. I trimmed bushes and got very close to dismantling their homes! Yikes, that could have been terrifying. So we are pooped and it's only Monday!
I hope you have all enjoyed this Memorial Day.
How great that you are back to school. Very exciting. Can't wait to see more pictures! The program Ella will be in sounds so great. Hope you are doing well!
I'm glad that you're loving school. It's also great that both the kids will be at the same school! I'm not sure if we're going to stick Summer in preschool yet. I wasn't too impressed with Eva's.
Good luck with papers and homework!
I am so happy for you that you get to use your brain!! It's a good feeling I'm sure. Glad you are off to a good start and I know you will do great!!!
I am sure missing you!!!
I can't believe Ella's not going to preschool with Kade! He's going to be very upset. But I'm happy you will cut down on your trips.
I also must say I'm very jealous of you going back to school. I'm thinking of taking a class this fall. I'll have to see how I can fit it in my crazy life. Good luck with yours.
good for you Becca!
Update Please. Or is school keeping you too busy?
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