Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Holy Moly!

Holy Moly, my oven is so great. Erick is going to shoot me I think for repeatedly sabotaging our weight loss regimen. Oh Well. Some things are worth it. I give you exhibit A:

I found this lemon muffin recipe online. It is very yummy!! I even halved the recipe so as to keep the indulgence to a minimum. But rest assured, I will be making them frequently.

Speaking of sweet treats. Get a load of these:
That's my little baby, in underpants. Now don't get all excited, he is not "out of diapers" but we are working on it. He wants to wear undies, I just have to phase myself into the process because I hate the mess involved with potty training. Check out his santa boots. He loves them. He wants to wear them all the time. I think they really work with the outfit. Erick thinks Luke has a mullet, again. I think he is right, sort of. It's not too bad because of the shape of Luke's head. For some reason I hate cutting his hair.

Ok, well I am off, kids are napping, and my kitchen smells yum! Maybe just one more muffin...


Anonymous said...

oh, those look yummy I am going to have to try that recipie.

Lucy said...

Those Muffins Look CRUNCHY. I mean yummy.

The buns are even cuter.

Kristy said...

I really don't know how you survived that long without an oven! I have a wall oven too. It burns everything--it's not me!! I want to make a comment about Lukes cute buns, but everything sounds creepy?! Love the boots.

Stephanie said...

What a cute pic! Wouldn't it be nice if he just potty trained himself?
Those mufffins look yummy! I love lemon desserts!

Tricia said...

yummy cupcakes! Hooray for your new oven! It is about time my friend! I especially like luke's cinnabuns....