So, its not going to be offical until my prof plugs in all my {passing} grades, but I turned in the last of my homework this week! This marks not just the end of another long semester, but actually, the END of school...I'm going to have my degree!!! I have learned many things, and I am sure a post/graduation speech will be shared here in the next few weeks...but for now, let me say I know the importance of pacing yourself...slow and steady, just like the tortoise. There will be satisfaction in the work and the journey, and in the result at the end.
And now, from this picture, I have determined that I need an IN-N-OUT burger for lunch. ;)

check out smilebooks
photo courtesy here
congrats! that's awesome!
Way to go Becca!!!! Awesome, Awesome, Awesome!!!! And I love the turtle picture and wish we had In and Out Burger out here.
Miss you tons!!!!
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