Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Spiritual Pondering

One of the highlights in any given day for me is a chat on the phone with one or both of my sisters. Lately its usually my oldest sister, as our other sister is fervently working full-time outside her home...we miss her! Anyway, Vic and I have been having fun chats, and sometimes deeper discussions as we wind our way through our lives.

Today we had an enlightening chat about our faith and some recent council and talks from our church leaders, which we call General Conference. After talking today, I wanted to go back and read some more of these wonderfully spiritual talks. One I read focused on the importance of family and children, and I had to laugh out loud at this part, where the speaker mentions a phrase that I have been asked on more than one occasion...not that I have many children, only 3! but I think that they look so close in age that they seem like twins or triplets.

"As the world increasingly asks, "Are these all yours?" we thank you for creating within the Church a sanctuary for families, where we honor and help mothers with children." -Neil L Andersen

It's always wonderful and reassuring to be reminded that the work I do, in my home is for good and smiled upon by my Father in Heaven.

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