Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tech Perks

I have to blog about a couple features that are offered by my doctors office and pharmacy that I really like. We have an abundance of technological advances at our disposal, and sometimes its overwhelming, or time-wasting. A few things that have actually made my life easier...

1. My dr office allows me to access my charts online. I can look at my test results, see what exams I have had, and I even got an email when new test info was posted.
2. Pharmacy texts! I get a text when my prescriptions are ready. I love this. I was picking one up the other night, and was told 20 minutes, but it actually only took about 9! 10 minutes of my time that I didnt have to waste! So cool.
3. Just as I signed in to blog about this today, I noticed that I can send an email to a special email address, and blogger will post the email as a blog post! I can also text blog posts as well. This means if I have something I want to share, I can just do it when I think of it! Kinda fun.



Melissa Corry said...

I love technology!!! It just makes the world go round :) Those are awesome little Dr.'s Office perks!! Oh, and I need your address. Can you email it to me. We just finished up our Christmas Letter and didn't have you on the list since we could hand deliver it to you last year :)

Izzy Anderson said...

Oh we've come a long way. I used to call my own answering machine to give myself reminders lol