Friday, February 1, 2008


So some days you just need some great news. And for today, here it is:

The Coolest News Ever

oh and a hint:

Hee hee!


Lucy said...

Oh no, you can NOT get away with this. Will you please journal about your crazy crush on these boys? Let's hear about "the fan". And you can't leave anything out, because you know, I will disclose it. Does kissing Jordan's Poster ring any bells??

becca said...

That had to have been you, not me! I have no memory of that. But I do think its time to put some NKOTB music back on my blog.

Anonymous said...

lol, I loved these guys back in the day, I still have a NKOTB sleeping bag!!! (shhh... don't tell) LOL

Valery said...

You are toooo funny Becca! I can't wait to see what they come up with....such cuties!!!

michelle said...

that's and all my 30 year old friends will be going to the concert!

janet said...

Too funny, Becca!!! Had to come and say hi! Haven't talked to you in awhile.

wendy said...

OMG...I LOVED them!! I wonder how it will be with them back?

VanderWoodson said... I refuse to let you put this up! It's wrong to the whole human race! I love you though. (It should've been a picture of Oasis, or Dishwalla.) Now there's taste!!! ha ha

Amanda said...

Oh my....NKOTB!!!!

Hehe! I remember what grade I was in when these guys were popular! xoxo Amanda