Friday, February 29, 2008

Some News...

Will the snow ever stop... sheesh! I actually shoveled our driveway yesterday, only to wake up this morning to it being covered again! I have been taking the kids out in it like a good mommy and they are sleeping so good, so I guess I won't complain too much. I am looking forward to rainy spring though. Here are some pics of our latest trip out yesterday. Notice Ella's grumpy face. She was ready to come in. She has been insisting on wearing her snow pants, and usually I make Luke wear them, well I do! They are too small for Ella! So I caved, let her wear them, and she got tons of snow inside her boots! "Don't say I didn't warn you!!" So she is crying in the picture, "I want to go inside, I'm so cold!" And aparently it is actually impossible to get three small children to all look at a camera simultaneously. Why do I try? For you folks of course! Better luck next time.

I have been busy with the kids, trying to keep the house cleaned, and I have a new calling at church. I am the Enrichment Small Groups Coordinator, and for those non-LDS readers, this is basicly an opportunity to help serve within the church. I am responsible for the Relief Society newsletter and calendar, so I coordinate small group events each month. Its a new calling and has had me busy the last few nights trying to meet a deadline! It's a fun change from my former duties so I welcome it!

On to other events... So I am trying to make better decisions for myself. I am trying to weed out activities that are not so good for me or that don't make me feel good about myself. Sometimes a situation or experience seems like a good idea at the time, then later you look back and think, um...not so much. So this may seem confusing, but I'm just trying to say that I like making decisions, and I like changing my mind, and standing up for what I feel good about! So there. Without further adieu, here is what's up in my scrappy corner of the web... I will no longer be on the Design Team for Savvy N Sassy. I am too busy with other obligations to keep up with the requirements there. I just knew that was the right decision and I feel so good about it. Strange as it may seem, I am also a new member of the new Scrapwords Design Team. It's a much better fit with my schedule and plans, so I am very excited about making these changes! Scrapwords is fun site that focuses on writing as well as scrapping. It's a great community and a great shop! Stop and visit when you have time!

Here are a couple cards I made for my pal Lynda's card class over at Paper Popsicles. She provided a couple cute card sketches and I just whipped up a couple simple cards. Very fun!

Here is a super fun page I did with a cute paper pack from Paper Popsicles. I love how this turned out. Thanks to my crop pal Kelly for helping me.


arlsmom aka Lynda said...

Great cards Becca!!! Love them both!!! Very nice layout too...

And it is nearly impossible to get them all to look at you at the same time...good for you for trying!! Secret weapon...photoshop!!

Have a great day!

Tricia said...

awesome take on the cards and the LO is FAB FAB FAB FABULOUS!

I just love it!!!

My name is Samantha said...

thats great you are getting involved at church. I have always been involved one way or another. Currently I an the recording secretary!!

Kelly said...

Thanks for mentioning me, Becca. The star looks pretty good and really makes the layout. :) Great job.

wendy said...

Very nice cards. Congrats on your new DT...I'm sure the decision on Savvy N Sassy was hard but will be helpful in your stress level :).

Renée said...

Good Luck with everything Becca! You are one busy gal!! xoxoxo

Kristy said...

No, the snow will never stop! We are to get more today/tonight. Ok I'm sick of sledding.
Your new calling sounds cool. It's nice to hear of a calling that doesn't involve children. Ouch, offensive I know!

VanderWoodson said...

you need to scrap my life for me, how about I forward you my 400 pictures and $20 and call it good?! You have talent, I could NEVER do that.
Oh, and congrates on the calling. My poor little pumpkin got snow in her booties -- you could always just stuff hand warmers down there (that's my ghetto fabulious solution!)

Amie said...

way cute layout!

janet said...

Hi, Becca!! Sounds like you are making a lot of good decisions...good for you! Congrats on the new DT. I have to go and check it out. Love the cards and that adorable layout!
Have a great week!