Erick re-found some great older pics of the kids, particularly Ella as a baby and Jed in his toddler years. I have decided it's really time to put some kind of method to my scrap-madness and do some pages in order. That was a goal this year, and here it is, nearly May... (what????) and I haven't done much. Oops. So, somewhere in my busy schedule I will make some time for that.
As I blogged before, the kids got hair cuts last week. So one night before bed and after the kids had a bath, I got the idea to "do" Ella's hair. She hates to have her hair brushed. And she is not a fan of the blow dryer, but I thought some practice would be fun. I was feeling "mom-ish". So I put mousse in her hair, blew it dry and finished it off with a photo shoot. Ella is usually the best to photograph, she loves it and smiles freely. This time, not so much. I mean, she did smile, but she won't look at the camera for anything. We plucked a tulip bloom off our lovely tulip tree and I tortured her for a few minutes. She was entertaining with her goofy expressions, and I got a few decent pics that will end up on a scrap page soon I am sure. She still has that baby hair, where it grows and hangs forward from the back of her head. So I have to give her bangs, and still try to grow it all out. It's a complicated process. Here is one, just for fun.
I love that you were feeling "mom-ish" I get that same feeling every now and then. Cute photos and layouts. Seriously your scrap madness is amazing!
It's fun to torture your kids, it seriously relieves a lot of tension in my life. :)
Her hair does look cute though!
Ella is a cutie! I love what you did with the kit :)
Love your layouts!!! and Ella is so sweet!!! great photos Awesome layouts!!!!
Hi, Becca! I love the layouts. You did a great job on the layouts. Love the pictures. Hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day!!!
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