Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Price Is Right...

I remember watching the Price is Right as a kid. I recently watched part of an episode. I love the game Plinko, but this show they were playing the game where you go down the line, guessing the price of individual items. I was terrible at that as a kid, now I am pretty dang good! So here is a fun little game for you. Can you guess how much the following items cost? In the first picture, I forgot to include the Russell Stover in the picture, so the group photo and the chocolates go together. Guess the total cost for both pictures. Happy guessing!

Yes, I am blogging about my grocery shopping. I will explain later!


Nevis said...


Sheila said...

My guess is 43.25, but I have a feeling it was alot less because you probably used coupons and buy one get one free deals!!!!

That was fun I always love playing games!

Jenn said...

my guess is $32.53....this is so much fun!!! i have been reading your blog all morning and I must say I love it! I had to add it to my reader! Plus I love your music!!

Lucy said...


Sandy said...

I'm guessing 31.33. More or less... LOL. Can't wait to find out.

Unknown said...

Oh no...my guess is a lot higher!!! 62.75!!

arlsmom aka Lynda said...

My guess is $47.

Tricia said...


wendy said...


Kelly said...

$65.20 including tax. I didn't figure in any sales or coupons.