My dad thinks I have the patience of Job. He sees me with my kids and has determined they take much patience. They are not problem children. They love everyone they meet and are super friendly and funny and sweet (and stinkers too). But they can be exhausting. So yah. I have patience.
But guess what? I am a totally inpatient person! I hate waiting to hear back from someone, I don't like waiting for those fun packages to arrive in the mail, I cannot stand commercials or waiting in line. I also don't have a lot of patience when I am trying to learn something new. Like with school. I have this problem every semester. I want to quit, throw in the towel, give up. It's taking way to long to get this degree. Just when I think I am almost done, I find out I have more classes to take. I already can't wait for this semester to be over. I did manage to learn how to cook the perfect bacon, and the perfect pancake. Those took self mastery. The one thing I cannot do consistently is cook and peel a perfect hard boiled egg.
Tonight I am going to make creamed eggs on toast with bacon... So I turned to google, God's version of an answered prayer for the inpatient. I am going to try this technique, I will let you know how it goes! Enjoy the video, it's less than 40 seconds long, and worth the wait.
Please let me know if that really works. I hate peeling eggs and my kids love egg salad.
You aren't waiting to hear back from me about anything, are you?
NIce. Did you try to peel the egg that way??? Cooking the egg easy. Put eggs in cold water. Bring to a boil. Turn heat to low and cover for 15 minutes.
Did it work? I want to go boil an egg right now to try this. I love boiled eggs. Oh man, I just checked the fridge and I am out of eggs. This will have to wait till I go shopping :)
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