Sunday, October 17, 2010

Guilty Pictures.

I feel bad. I never blogged about Ella's sweet 6th birthday. I also didn't take a single picture of her on her birthday! Thankfully her birthday was just before school picture day, and I did shortly after her birthday catch her in quite the outfit. She's got our black and white umbrella, her white boots, and her red dress. She happened to be carrying a bag with black and white stripes that she was going to give to Luke's teacher. I also feel bad cause I seem to be only blogging scrappy stuff. And I know the grandparents really want to see the kids.



emily said...

Haha! That cracks me up. Well, Ella definitely was planning for a photo shoot. Love the coordinating ensemble!

dalla said...

she's cute with that dress..
n like ur vintage style.

Anonymous said...

These are the cutest pictures ever! She is adorable!