Sunday, August 24, 2008

Welcome to the World, Little One

I am excited to announce the arrival of my newest nephew, Ferris William. He was born Saturday around lunch time and weighed in at 8 lbs 9 oz. Mom(my sister Victoria) and baby are doing wonderful. He is a cute little guy and is already so sweet and snuggly. Don't you just love brand new babies? I am excited to dote on this little guy. Here are some pictures I took while visiting last night. No matter how many babies I meet I am still amazed at the miracle it truly is. And my sister is a rock star, that is all there is to it. I am excited to live near her for a change and help her any way I can. 

Welcome to the World, Ferris! And congrats to his family and their newest member. He's a keeper!
He wouldn't wake up for my little photo shoot. Probably because I was wheeling his bassinet around and opening the blinds and shining the flash in his face. Annoying Aunt with her camera. But I did shoot a short video of him while he was awake. So stinkin cute! 

Oh and I forgot, I mentioned in an earlier post about us doing something I have wanted to do since we moved here. We finished our fire pit! I love that you can have fires in your backyard here. We have an abundance of yard waste so this is going to be a huge help to getting our yard maintained. We have been doing a little every week, but now we can burn the branches and junk. So we pulled up the grass, dumped a ton of dirt onto the area. We have a surplus of dirt too, and dumped out the sandbox because the sand was icky. Then proceeded to roast marshmallows and make smores. It was a lot of fun. I am really looking forward to having campfires a lot this fall!


arlsmom aka Lynda said...

What a beautiful baby...congrats Auntie!!

janet said...

Hi Becca!!!! Your nephew is absolutely adorable! Congrats to your sister and you! I'm on my way over to sit around the firepit. I'll bring the Smores!!!
Have a great weekend!